Monday, August 12, 2013

TV is exciting!!

Smudgy can't resist a good tv show.  Wilferd* gets her really moving and video games are super exciting to her. 

The most recent adventure for Smudgy was getting spayed.  Man, I tell you what, free cats sure are expensive.  It took us a lot of phone calls to find a place in Corvallis to get her spayed for under $300 and most places were $500.  Between that and shots, this kitten has cost us a small fortune.  Unfortunately, it means we will never take a "free" kitten again...instead adopt for the local rescue.  And, if you find kittens, the Humane Society or another rescue of some sorts is really the best place for them as you can guarantee they will not breed again since they spay them before adopting them out.  I LOVE Smudgy, but she has been quite a lesson learner for us.  I could afford to get her spayed; but for many that type of cost is really out of the budget.
We finally found "All Creatures Great and Small"  Their prices were great and they did a good job on the spay.  We were sad we were unable to go to our amazing vet in Albany, but the drive is just getting to  be too much for us.  The only negative I have to say about All Creatures... is, they are the only vet I've ever been to that doesn't follow up over the phone after a major surgery and they were supposed to call me on a few questions I asked them about future visits with all the critters and it's been almost 2 weeks.  So, I think our search continues for a new vet.  Thinking of looking into one that comes to the home next.  Wrangling 4 cats and 2 dogs to for shots is exhausting!
A few days after surgery. Internal stitches are great!!
 Now that she is spayed, we can start our outdoor adventures soon.  We'll have videos of that very soon. 

*You may want to turn your speakers down if they're kids present.  You don't need audio for cuteness!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Psycho Kitteh!

Smudgy is getting bigger and very rambunctious.  We've taken her out a time or two with the leash and she runs as fast as she can after any of the outdoor cats she sees.  She'll be old enough for us to get her spayed soon and then she'll be able to go out and play with the other kitties.  They should be scared, very, very scared!
On occasion though, we can get a nice sleeping photo.
For the most part, she runs around like a holey terror!  We call it Psycho Kitteh mode.  We are pretty sure this is how she broke one of her baby teeth.  We have our fingers crossed the big one comes in ok.
She thinks she's helping
She doesn't seem to like the spec I've chosen for my WoW characters
Obviously, at this point, everything we bring into the house MUST be a toy for her.  One of her new favorite hiding spots is Max's computer bag.
I r soo sneakeh!

You can't see me!
And, because he's so cute and funny too: Here's some St. Bernard loving for ya!  I brought home a new squeeky tennis ball for Ludo.  He was not with me when I bought it but he can smell it zipped up on my purse.  I think he may have a slight addiction to them...
"Mommy! Can I has da ball in yer purse...PLEASE!!"
And back to kitten, because...come on! So stinkin' cute!

She helps with games...A lot!

I see you!
I hope everyone is having a great summer! We'll have some outdoor pics soon!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I has toes!

Smudgy just turned about 4 months old and is getting so big.  She is getting long and lean.  Smudgy still things she's a small St. Bernard and is scared of nothing!  She is also quite the shoulder kitten.  She loves to jump up on Max's shoulder and take naps.

Showing Ludo who's boss! She knows she's his princess.

Just like a little sister...she can pick on him all she wants but no one else is aloud.  She'll kick your butt!

Watching dad make football plays.  This is more exciting than you realize!

So exciting that she jump up his back to his shoulder to watch

It's like she's studying them.

Yay! Dad snuggle time!  She really prefers Max!

Sleepy, cute kitteh!

No hesitation around the dogs.  She loves to snuggle with them.

No kitten here...but, you have to admit a pup and his ball is super cute!

Her paws have gotten so big. Look at those thumbs!


She has one solitary white whisker.  It really stands out without the flash.

We got Smudgy a new bed.  Ludo seems to think he fits in it.

Look how happy he is sleeping in her bed.

We made a spot for her on the desk. Now she can hang out as much as she likes.
Smudgy now wants to go out. She sees the other kitties out there and goes crazy. We brought her out once on a harness and leash and she charged at every cat she saw.  She has also gotten really good at jumping. This is great because I was finally able to move her food out of the bathroom and onto a counter. 
She also torments Ludo when he's on his couch until he jumps down. He'll lay on the floor, watch her curl up in the middle of the couch and whine. It's pretty darn funny!
I'm guessing she's about 4 1/2 to 5 pounds now.  We have her final set of shots coming up soon and then she'll get in to get spayed.  She's just getting so big! I still can't believe how tiny she was when we got her.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Videos! We has them!

We have been taking videos of Smudgy here and there, but had yet to load them off of Max's phone.  I thought I would share a few of my favorite ones.  But first, an early picture of Smudgy that I just love.  She's just so cute, I can hardly stand it. 

One of the very few times she's not viciously attacking my hair
OK...ready for some super cute SmudyVision?  This first one cracks me up.  I've never seen our dogs so calm when another animal is even remotely to their food hole.  They even let her hang out in the slobber path when we're giving them treats.  Oh, Smudgy also has a fascination with water.

She loves the water so much that she has no hesitation about jumping around the edge of the bathtub while I'm showering.  She loves the toilet and wants to touch the water in it.  Needless to say, toilet seats down are absolutely required.  I'm still a little concerned she'll fall in.  I've been trying to introduce her to the faucet a little more.  When we water Ludo out of it, she's really fascinated with him drinking what is coming out.  Today, her curiosity peaked...
I hope you've enjoyed your first installment of SmudgyVision.  We are working on a dog-riding hopefully vids of that will be coming soon!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Alpha Smudgy

Smudgy is getting so big! We just had her 2nd vet appointment and she weighed 4 pounds.  She did pretty well, for the most part, at the vet.  They really need to invent much smaller thermometers.  These poor little kittens are just traumatized by those huge thermometers.  Their poor little bums.
She has also become the Alpha in the house.  The dogs give way to her just about everywhere.  Murphy won't even eat his food if Smudgy is walking around it (which she loves to do).

"Thank you fer dis bed mum. I r soooo cumfy!"

"Um, scuze me.  I, um, thinks you are in de wrong bed."

"DAD!! Da tiny claws and teeths is in mah bed!"

"But, she ams so cute!"

"That's ok, I wanted to sleep on the floor anyways."

So yeah, Smudgy runs the house at this point.  She really thinks she's a tiny St. Bernard and has no fear whatsoever.  She is now escaping the house a few times a week and she does not hesitate at all when she runs out.  She's ready to explore the world...but still has a little time before we can let her. 
Smudgy is still nursing!!!  It's not as bad as it used to be and she's actually able to sleep with us now.  But, it still happens and we have no idea why.  The vet said they usually grow out of it and their slightly surprised she hasn't yet.  We'll take any ideas to get her to stop.
She is also in full kitten mode.  Full kitten mode with no fear.  She'll be sleeping sometimes and suddenly jump up and go batshit crazy attaching anyone and everything in sight.  We call this vicious kitteh mode. We really think she is part ferret. 
On a rare occasion, she'll become snuggle kitten and it's the best!  (Poor Max has allergies, so please excuse his puffy eyes.)

"I still fit on your shoulder! See?"
She LOVES laundry and likes to "help" whenever we're doing it....

"I help!"

That's it for today! We'll get some more up soon.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First weekend away from mom and dad

We went on vacation for the first time since we got Smudgy.  It was nice to get away, but we missed that little snot!  The dogs came back absolutely exhausted.  We had some friends watch Smudgy while we were gone.  They must have really wore her out because she slept from the moment we picked her up, through the night.  She missed us and the puppies so much, she worked her way around the 4 of us sleeping all night.
Dad snuggle time

She REALLY missed Ludo!

 Smudgy is getting pretty big.  We haven't weighed her in awhile, but will try to do that this week.  Also working on getting some more photos so you can really see how big she's gotten.  We think she's going to be a slender kitty.
I hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Smudgy Overload!!

She's gotten so big!!  Can you believe she was under 1# 5 weeks ago
I know, I's been a really long time since I posted about Smudgy.  I have been compiling pictures and really meant to, but just haven't gotten to it until now.  So, here ya go!
She just loves Ludo.  That is her best buddy!

She's just gotten so big! So rambunctious and runs around like a crazy cat all the time.

Then, she'll just crash all of a sudden, mid play, with Ludo

It just doesn't get old.  She thinks she's a little St. Bernard

She is VERY playful and on fast forward most of the time

Puppy love

Pure bliss kitteh

Murphy gets a little love now and then too

I still can't believe this is happening every time it happens.  I SQUEEEE every time!

She really loves Max, but we haven't been able to break her of the nursing when she's happy

Her eyes have gotten so pretty

 So there you have it.  The full on Smudgy overload update.  She is getting her first set of shots this weekend.  We'll see how that goes.  We've also introduced her to the laser pointer. I'll have a video soon.  It's just so cute!  I just can't believe she's about 10 weeks already.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Probably the cutest thing you'll see in the internet today!

I haven't weighed Smudgy yet this week, but she's definately gotten bigger.  And, she LOVES the dogs! I mean, she loves them a lot.  She chases them around and they keep an eye on her.  I really think that she thinks she is a St. Bernard at this point.  So, be prepared to sqwee!!!

Ludo and Smudgy sleeping together today

She spends a lot of her time next to or on Ludo

She is also quite the climber

Murphy gets snuggles too
One of the few quiet moments
 I will try to get a weight tomorrow.  She is still trying to nurse, so she's stuck in the bathroom still at night.  She is also really unsure of the other kitties.  We have done some brief introductions now with all three outdoor cats.  The don't really care about her at all.