Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First weekend away from mom and dad

We went on vacation for the first time since we got Smudgy.  It was nice to get away, but we missed that little snot!  The dogs came back absolutely exhausted.  We had some friends watch Smudgy while we were gone.  They must have really wore her out because she slept from the moment we picked her up, through the night.  She missed us and the puppies so much, she worked her way around the 4 of us sleeping all night.
Dad snuggle time

She REALLY missed Ludo!

 Smudgy is getting pretty big.  We haven't weighed her in awhile, but will try to do that this week.  Also working on getting some more photos so you can really see how big she's gotten.  We think she's going to be a slender kitty.
I hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Smudgy Overload!!

She's gotten so big!!  Can you believe she was under 1# 5 weeks ago
I know, I's been a really long time since I posted about Smudgy.  I have been compiling pictures and really meant to, but just haven't gotten to it until now.  So, here ya go!
She just loves Ludo.  That is her best buddy!

She's just gotten so big! So rambunctious and runs around like a crazy cat all the time.

Then, she'll just crash all of a sudden, mid play, with Ludo

It just doesn't get old.  She thinks she's a little St. Bernard

She is VERY playful and on fast forward most of the time

Puppy love

Pure bliss kitteh

Murphy gets a little love now and then too

I still can't believe this is happening every time it happens.  I SQUEEEE every time!

She really loves Max, but we haven't been able to break her of the nursing when she's happy

Her eyes have gotten so pretty

 So there you have it.  The full on Smudgy overload update.  She is getting her first set of shots this weekend.  We'll see how that goes.  We've also introduced her to the laser pointer. I'll have a video soon.  It's just so cute!  I just can't believe she's about 10 weeks already.