Smudgy is getting bigger and very rambunctious. We've taken her out a time or two with the leash and she runs as fast as she can after any of the outdoor cats she sees. She'll be old enough for us to get her spayed soon and then she'll be able to go out and play with the other kitties. They should be scared, very, very scared!
On occasion though, we can get a nice sleeping photo.
Too CUTE! |
For the most part, she runs around like a holey terror! We call it Psycho Kitteh mode. We are pretty sure this is how she broke one of her baby teeth. We have our fingers crossed the big one comes in ok.
She thinks she's helping |
She doesn't seem to like the spec I've chosen for my WoW characters |
Obviously, at this point, everything we bring into the house MUST be a toy for her. One of her new favorite hiding spots is Max's computer bag.
I r soo sneakeh! |
You can't see me! |
And, because he's so cute and funny too: Here's some St. Bernard loving for ya! I brought home a new squeeky tennis ball for Ludo. He was not with me when I bought it but he can smell it zipped up on my purse. I think he may have a slight addiction to them...
"Mommy! Can I has da ball in yer purse...PLEASE!!" |
And back to kitten, because...come on! So stinkin' cute! |
She helps with games...A lot! |
I see you! |
I hope everyone is having a great summer! We'll have some outdoor pics soon!